The African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES) and the Government of Gabon are convening a strategic meeting of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) nominated authors, National Focal Points, and experts from research and science communities, in Libreville, Gabon from 30th November to 2nd December 2024. The purpose of this meeting is to develop robust outline of the 7th Assessment Report (IPCC-AR7) for the IPCC Working Group I, II and III, and updated 1994 IPCC Technical Guidelines for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations with consideration of Africa’s needs and priorities within the agreed timeline for the delivery of these reports. Africa, with its high vulnerability to climate impacts, would benefit from more tailored, robust guidance to address regional impacts and adaptation challenges. The Pre-Scoping meeting is in preparation for the Scoping Meeting of the Working Group reports of the IPCC Seventh Assessment Report (AR7) scheduled from 9th  to 13th December 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where the nominated experts will produce a draft Scoping Paper outlining the objectives and annotated outlines for the three Working Group reports, including the update of the 1994 IPCC Technical Guidelines for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations.


  • Strategise by bringing together IPCC Bureau members, Scientists and Experts, NFPs and practitioners to create awareness of the IPCC processes, expectations, and engagement in the development of the AR7 cycle reports
  • Identify key needs and priorities within the physical science of climate change; the impacts, adaptation and vulnerability; and mitigation working groups for Africa, including data demands, and knowledge gaps.
  • Develop robust outlines for the Working Group I, II and III reports that reflect the key needs and priorities of Africa
  • Develop tentative timelines for preparation and delivery of the Working Group Reports
  • Sensitize nominated experts on regional politics within the climate space and their implications.

 Expected Outcomes

  • Draft outlines for the Working Group I, II and III reports that reflect key needs

and priorities of the African continent.

  • Draft tentative timelines for preparation and delivery of the Working Group Reports with adequate justification

Expected Participants

• Nominated Experts for the scoping meeting in Kuala Lumpur

• Experts and practitioners from different relevant climate-related disciplines

• National Focal Points

• Research and Academia

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