- Group:Cohort XIV
JEAN-MARC KIBOGO KANIMBA is an Agronomist Environmentalist specializing in Environmental Impact Assessment, Renewable Energy and Ecovillages. He specializes in Integrated Crop Management and Farmers’ Organization Capacity Building, especially in the culture of Tea. He holds a “BSc” Bachelor of Agriculture in Soil and Water Management, from the University of Rwanda and an “MSc”, Master of Environmental Sciences, from UniversitĂ© Cheikh Anta Diop De Dakar (UCAD), Senegal.
Currently, he is a Technical Expert at the Cleaner Production and Climate Innovation Centre (CPCIC), in Rwanda. He is in charge of Training and awareness on the adoption and implementation of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) best practices with small and medium enterprises in agriculture, hospitality, construction, and handcraft value chains. He contributes to the Policy review on the Circular Economy and Food System Policy documents and Provides advice on best practices implementation in SMEs and Industries in Rwanda.