Ann Kinya Mbutura
Program Officer
- Experience:8
- Company:Farm Forestry Smallholder Producer Association of Kenya-FF-SPAK
- Group:Cohort XIII
Ann Kinya Mbutura
Program Officer
Ann Kinya Mbutura is an Environment Enthusiast and Climate Change Expert, with hands -on Experience in the Private Sector and community capacity development work for over 8 yrs. She has Masters in Environmental studies/Community Development and Bachelor in Environmental Science from Egerton University. A CPA(k) from Kenya Accountants Secretariat National Board (KASNEB) and has completed a course from Yale University on Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR). Ann is the Program Officer in-charge of Climate Change and Environment at Farm Forestry Smallholder Producer Association of Kenya-FF-SPAK. She is a leader contributing to the processes and strategies which guarantee projects success in the area of Environmental Sustainability, Climate Finance, Climate Resilience, GHG Accounting using EX-ACT Tool, Forestry, Food Security, Business Incubation and Livelihood Improvement. When not at work she loves volunteering in Destiny Life Church -Syokimau in Pastoring the pre-teens class age 7-12 years. Her Interests #capacitydevelopment #climatechangetalks #agroforestry #green_enterprises #entrepreurship #environmentalconservation #GHGaccounting