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B.Sc and M.Sc degree in Economics from the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria, and a Ph.D. in Economics (with specialization in climate change economics) from the Universite Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar – Senegal

Dr. Terfa W. Abraham

Experience & Activities

Terfa W. Abraham is an Economist with a specialization in financial and development economics. He has a B.Sc and M.Sc degree in Economics from the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria, and a Ph.D. in Economics (with specialization in climate change economics) from the Universite Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar – Senegal in 2016. Abraham is a recipient of the 2009 CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa) small grant for M.Sc thesis writing, the 2015 best research paper prize recipient of Making Finance Work for Africa (MfW4A), the 2016 best Ph.D. prize award recipient of the Nigerian Economic Society (NES) and an alumnus of the WASCAL (West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use) doctoral research programme for climate change economics funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). He serves as a senior research fellow at the National Institute for Legislative and Democracy Studies (NILDS), Abuja Nigeria which is the capacity-building institution for the Nigeria National Assembly (in partnership with other African parliaments). Through his expertise as a policy analyst with the institute, he has contributed in policy analysis that has contributed to the process of passing the climate change Act, social investment Act, and government budget laws including analysis of economic policy documents and analysis of government COVID-19 interventions. Abraham also contributes to the work of development partners and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the analysis of government budgets to identify and track agroecology and climate change-related projects at the national and sub-national levels, and how they affect women, young people, and vulnerable groups. He has also served as a data analyst in the Non-State Actors (NSA) Biennial Value-Added Review Toolkit (VABKIT) process that fed into Nigeria’s report in the third Biennial Review (BR) exercise on the implantation of the Continental Africa Agriculture Program (CAADP). He has also volunteered as a data analyst for CSOs on election observation and also volunteered as a Judge at the 2020 Hult Prize Abuja Regional Summit where he evaluated young people’s innovation and how they address environmental challenges. In 2023 he participated in the AGNES (Africa Group of Negotiators Experts Support) training on Climate Leadership. Dr Terfa Abraham is from Nigeria and resides in Abuja, Nigeria.